Security+ SY0-601 Notes and Resources

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Subdomain 1.3

Given a scenario, analyze potential indicators associated with application attacks.

Terms: 24

Privilege escalation

Cross-site scripting (XSS)


A process where an attacker supplies untrusted input to a program, which gets processed by an interpreter as part of a command or query.

Structured query language (SQL)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Pointer/object deference

Directory traversal

Buffer overflows

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    char buffer[16];
    strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);
    printf("Buffer contents: %s\n", buffer);
    return 0;
  1. In this example, the strcpy function is used to copy the contents of argv[1] into buffer. If argv[1] contains more than 16 characters, the excess characters will overwrite adjacent memory locations.
  2. This can be exploited by attackers to execute arbitrary code or crash the program.

Race conditions

// Thread 1
x = 10;

// Thread 2

Assume that Thread 2 starts executing before Thread 1 and prints the value of x as 0. This happens because the default value of an integer variable in Java is 0, and Thread 2 reads the value of x before it is set by Thread 1.

Time of check/time of use

Error handling

Improper input handling

Replay attack

Session replays

Integer overflow

Request forgeries

_A type of malicious exploit of a website or web application where unauthorized commands are submitted from a user that the web application trusts. There are two types of request forgeries: cross-site request forgeries (CSRF) and server-side request forgeries (SSRF).


Application programming interface (API) attacks

Resource exhaustion

Memory leak

void g () {
  int* ptr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
  ptr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));

g() allocates the memory on the heap using malloc, but assigns a new value to ptr without freeing previously allocated memory. This means that every time g() is called, it will allocate more memory on the heap, leading to a memory leak.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) stripping

Driver manipulation

Security threats that involve altering system drivers to achieve a malicious outcome. Attackers can use shimming and refactoring to modify the behavior of an app, remove certain security features, bypass anti-virus or other security software, or hide the presence of malware.


Pass the hash

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