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Summarize the techniques used in security assessments.
Terms: 26
Threat Hunting
The constant game of cat and mouse; find the attacker before they find you.
Cybersecurity technique designed to detect the presence of threats that have not been discovered by normal security monitoring.
Intelligence Fusion
- Combines threat data to create a big picture of threats and risks.
- Fuse the security data together with big data analytics; collect through logs and sensors, network information, internet events, and intrusion detection.
Threat Feeds
- Cybersecurity data feeds that provide information on the latest threats.
Advisories and Bulletins
- Sources of data such as the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) that maintains the National Cyber Awareness System.
- Attackers getting around a network by using Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs). By analyzing TTPs, a security analyst can predict an attackers movements.
Vulnerability Scans
- Usually non-invasive unlike penetration tests.
- Can include port scans; poke around and see what is open.
- Tests from the outside as well as the inside.
False Positives
- A vulnerability is identified that doesn’t actually exist.
- It is real, but may not be the highest priority issue.
False Negatives
- A vulnerability exists but you weren’t able to detect it.
- Make sure to update the latest signatures.
- Work with the vulnerability detection manufacturer; they might need to update their signatures…
Log Reviews
- Admins must perform log reviews of scan outputs periodically.
- Check for lack of security controls such as no firewall, no anti-virus, no anti-spyware
- Misconfigurations such as guest access or open shares.
Credentialed vs. Non-Credentialed
- Credentialed: You are a normal user - emulates an insider attack.
- Non-Credentialed: The scanner cannot login to the remote device.
Intrusive vs. Non-Intrusive
- Non-intrusive: gather information, don’t try to exploit a vulnerability.
- Intrusive: You’ll try out the vulnerability to see if it works.
- Scans for vulnerabilities on desktop and mobile applications.
Web Application
- Scans for vulnerabilities on web servers.
- Gather information about hosts within a network.
- Misconfigured firewalls, open ports, vulnerable devices.
- May include
- ARP ping scan
- SYN stealth scan
- Port scan
- Service scan
- OS detection
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)/Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
- Maintained by MITRE Corp., CVE is a dictionary of known security vulnerabilities and exposures.
- CVSS assesses vulnerabilities and assigns severity scores, 0 to 10, with 10 being the most severe.
Configuration Review
- Validate the security of device configurations including workspaces, servers, security devices, and more.
- Configuration compliance scanners perform a configuration review of systems to verify they are configured correctly, by using a baseline file for configuration validation.
Provides centralized solutions for collecting, analyzing, and managing data from multiple sources.
Review Reports
- An alert or report from a trigger.
- SIEMs include built-in reports,grouped in different event categories such as network traffic, device, threat, logon/logoff, compliance with specific laws.
Packet Capture
- Captures packets (packet sniffers) to monitor network traffic that can alert the system and start an investigation.
- Data that comes from web servers, proxy server, and database servers.
User Behavior Analysis
- Can follow the behavior of a user and report on anything suspicious.
- Detect insider threats, identify targeted attacks, and catches what the SIEM and DLP systems might miss.
Sentiment Analysis
- Analyzing text using AI to detect unwanted user opinion or emotion.
- Public discourse correlates to real-world behavior. If they hate you = they will hack you.
- Social media may be a gauge for this.
Security Monitoring
- SIEMs come with predefined alerts and continuously monitor systems.
Log Aggregation
- Combining logs together, even if they are in different formats to make search and analysis easier.
Log Collectors
- Collect log data from various sources such as firewalls, routes, NIDS/NIPS.
Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR)
- Platform that combines tools that work together to response to low-level security events automatically to free up time from administrators so they can focus on other tasks.
- Firewalls, account management, email filters, etc.
- Automation - handle security tasks automatically.
- Response - make changes immediately.
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